170 Years of National Bank

The highlights of the National Bank presents report opens Wednesday at the Benaki Museum in Pireos Street.
The exhibition entitled "170 Years of National Bank: 1841 to 2011" will run until Sunday, January 22, 2012.
From 1841 until today, the history of the National Bank unfolds in three centuries in an almost parallel path with the Greek state.
The collections and archival material in the exhibition come from the cultural wealth preserved by the National and are currently listed in the History Archives and the art collection of the Bank.
H Report monitors the progress of the National Bank starting from the foundation of a few years after the liberation of Greece from the Turkish yoke, and continues to expand operations at home and abroad, who kept pace with the expansion of national boundaries.
Through the relevant sections of the report highlights the Bank's contribution in both the public and the private sector.
Specifically, the National brought the editorial privilege, solely or in parallel with other bank for 87 years before the establishment of the Bank of Greece in 1928, and the report presented banknotes and coins of different versions and special historical and artistic interest.
From the first years of operation, the Greek loans to governments for their financial needs and has its own funds for the infrastructure necessary for economic development of Greece.
The prominent role of the Bank's public debt and productive projects in the country highlighted in the report by presenting original founding texts, bond loans and technical studies.
The report unfolds the specific contribution of the National strengthening of agriculture, commerce and industry in Greece. Exposed credit ledgers of the 19th century, shares and other items on loan or own contribution of Bank funds, as well as tables and charts which reflected the central role of the National economic growth.
Through rare manuscripts and photographic documentation, showing the contribution of National responding to the economic crisis experienced by the country and the national competitions given, with emphasis on capital rehabilitation of refugees after the Asia Minor Catastrophe and during the Occupation.
Finally, in separate sections showing an important part of the offer of the Bank in the field of culture, science and art.
The exhibition also items from the machinery of the Bank, and architectural drawings and photographs of the buildings of the National.
DOL Newsroom
(Translated by Google)