Benefit for Yano fighting neuroblastoma by Basile

I hope this email finds you well. I know it is starting to get real hectic now with Thanksgiving right around the corner, and the Christmas holidays soon approaching. But please take the time to bring your friends, your neighbors, your families to a night of good laughs for a cause.
I am passing this along to promote a CHARITABLE performance put on by Basil on Sunday Dec 13th @ Park Ridge's Pickwick Theatre. 5 S. Prospect Ave, Park Ridge, IL 60068.
Tickets are only $25. Call Dina Papas-Bousis at 847 9424758 or Anesis at 847 340 6100
The proceeds will go to help cover the medical costs for a little boy named Yano who is battling neuroblastoma.
My friend Dina Papas is very good friends with the family and I am helping her promote this event.
Please try to encourage everyone to go.
I cannot imagine having a sick child, but if we can do anything to help this family, let's try.
My heart goes out to everyone who has had to face something like this.
How great will it feel if we know we did something to at least help as best we could!