First Essays (1st grade of grammar school)
Product Description
The goal of this book is to help students' ability to respond to the challenge of their first contact with the mechanism of reading and writing. It contributes to the cultivation of the children’s written expression helping them reflect and express correctly their basic knowledge and experiences.
Through selected activities throughout the book, children learn to use the new information available to them and to think and to get challenged.
The book also includes:
• Proscription exercises.
• Short texts, with content that is associated with the material of the textbook.
• Literacy exercises.
• Repetitive exercises entrenching the previous material.
• Formats of short essays and relevant subjects along with guidance that help students to write their first essays.
By Amalia Zoe. 279 pages. 17 X 24 cm. Paperback. 6.5 X 9.5 inches. Savalas publications.
ISBN: 960-449-272-1