Little Homer Story Hour

At the National Hellenic Museum in Chicago, IL
Every Saturday through August
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
$5 per adult, Free for children and members
Skip the Saturday morning cartoons and join us for a hands-on story hour. Little Homer Story Hour includes an interactive Greek myth that children help act out. Following the myth, children will participate in a craft.
Story themes:
June/early July - Hercules and the 12 labors
June 13 - Introduction to Hercules: The Nemean Lion, The Hydra
June 20 - The Erymanthian Boar, The Augean Stables, The Stymphalian Birds
July 4 - No class in observance of Independence Day
July 11 - The Apples of the Hesperides, Cerberus
July- The Illiad
July 18 - The Beautiful Helen / The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships
July 25 - The Invasion with the Trojan Horse
August - Theogeny Myths from Greek Mythology
August 1 - Arachne and Athena
August 8- The Birth of Aphrodite, Hephestus marries Aphrodite
August 15- Eros and Psyche
August 22- Zeus marries Hera