North Shore Greek Fest

Welcome to the NORTH SHORE GREEK FEST at the Hellenic American Academy. Authentic Greek food and pastries, Greek Gourmet Market, books, live and DJ music, dancing, children's games and entertainment, souvenir shops, Taverna, Greek dance performances and more. Raffle with 33 cash prizes. Rain or shine. Saturday 4 pm to midnight, Sunday and Monday 2 pm to 10 pm. Free parking. Admission is $2; 12 and under free. 1085 Lake Cook Road, Deerfield. 1 mile east of I-294; 3 miles west of I-94 (Edens). For more information, call 847-317-1063. --SATURDAY-- Greek dance exhibition at 8 pm, Children's live entertainment from 5:30 to 7:30, Live and DJ music. --SUNDAY-- Greek dance exhibition at 8 pm, Children's live entertainment from 7:00 to 9:00, Live and DJ music. --MONDAY-- Greek dance exhibition at 8 pm, Children's live entertainment from 5:45 to 7:30, DJ music all evening.