A Great Personality will be Deeply Missed by the Hellenic Community

With deep sorrow we mourn the passing of Andrew A. Athens who died peacefully on Thursday, March 14, 2013, at his home in Chicago.
Mr. Athens has been regarded as the greatest defender of and fighter for the resolution of national concerns of Greece and Cyprus in all occasions that these matters appeared throughout the world. His battles for these causes have brought to the forefront all the injustice and wrongdoing that our countries have suffered which, without Andrew Athens' efforts would have remained in oblivion.
Andrew Athens' work as President of the Council of Hellenes Abroad (SAE) for 11 continuous years, was clear evidence of his love for Greece and of his pride for his Hellenic roots. Having served by his side as Vice President of the North and South American Region, I recognized, appreciated and admired his integrity and rightness, together with his philanthropy and generosity that always distinguished his actions. Real proof are the thousands of residents of Hellenic descent of the Eastern Block of Europe, who would have suffered much more if treatment centers and clinics that were founded, and to this day continue to operate, with the initiative and the personal struggle of Andrew Athens.
Andrew Athens will be missed by the Hellenic community throughout the globe. But most particularly, he will be missed by me, as I've always considered him an advisor, teacher and friend.
We express our deep condolences to his dear wife Louise, and to his children, Paul and Jackie, and their families.
With deep condolences,
Chris P. Tomaras
PanHellenic Scholarship Foundation